Sunday, May 12, 2013


hallo! :D

well, i know that i've been slacking off too much on this. been away and wandering around multiply (which recently shut down its blog and note features *le sigh*), wordpress, 750words, and (mostly) twitter for these past 2 years. so, yes, i still write, but mostly only random things on scattered places. hehehe.

i know that it's impetuous, but since yesterday i've been thinking of reinstating this blog again, and maybe re-post things i've posted else where here. keeping things in a place and re-live-ing this blog again. *praying that this will really happen in the future*

and as a celebration of this, i decided to put on a short random writing that i've been searching for a while from my twitter, dated back to July 5th, 2010:

andai ada kamera serupa mata manusia. #kameramata
yang sempurna. memandang dunia tanpa batas dg bebas. #kameramata
merekam semua adegan hidup tanpa kecuali. tanpa perlu kendali. #kameramata
menyimpan segala memori apa adanya. memotret tanpa perlu menipu. #kameramata

till then, then. :)

*i don't know why, but i kinda like the #kameramata hashtag that i used back then. hehehe*